I admit it. I would be considered ultra conservative in my political beliefs. I believe in the US Constitution, the rule of law, smaller governnment, states' rights, individual liberty but life lived in community, and I am a social conservative.
I lean right on almost every issue. Recently, I had an interesting conversation with some colleagues who are more moderate. Their position is that the Republicans need to rally behind one person in the next presidential election or they will lose again. Of course, their idea was that a moderate candidate is the one who will lead the way.
I believe that the Republicans need someone who will stand for something and not compromise his/her morals just to get elected, even if he/she is seen to be more rightist than centralist. Let's get something straight, in the last two presidential elections, I believe the Republicans did settle for moderate/centrist candidates. I went the party line and voted for them...and they lost. Maybe it's time for someone who is not a centrist to be the Republican candidate for president...maybe Sen. Ted Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, or Rep. Michele Bachmann (may favorite three currently although I'd vote for Sarah Palin or Alan Keyes in a heartbeat).
The problem is, my colleagues kept espousing the need to get behind one candidate as long as the candidate was a moderate/centrist. They both balked at the idea of voting for a conservative/rightist. So even though I've compromised and voted centrist in order to try to get a Republican president elected, they wouldn't vote for a rightist to achieve the same goal.
In fact, one person said she would vote for Hilary Clinton if Clinton were to be the Democratic candidate for president versus a rightist Republican like Cruz. I guess the moderate Republicans will only compromise if it's their candidate.
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